Literature Circle 1, Setting Assignment
  • 1. Locate two quotations that reveal the setting in your novel.  Explain what the quotation suggests about the setting and its impact on the protagonist and the meaning of the work.   Remember that setting is much more than location and may include social environment, occupations, culture, and moral attitudes.

“We sat against the low cemetary wall under the shade thrown by the pomegranate tree. In another month or two, crops of scorched yellow weeds would blanket the hillside, but that year the spring showers had lasted longer than usual, nudging their way into early summer, and the grass was still green, peppered with tangles of wildflowers.”
This quote accurately represents the setting because it illustrates the constant changes in the environment as well as the characters. This quote alludes to the changing relationship of Hassan and Amir. There moral attitudes and beliefs are so different it has pushed them apart. There cultural ranks are so different perhaps this time there relationship is stretched beyond repair.

“The streets glistened with fresh snow and the sky was a blameless blue. snow blanketed every rooftop and weighed on the branches of the stunted mulberry trees that lined our street.”
This quote is a metaphor for Hassan’s loyalty as a servant to Amir’s family. It brings out the subtle beauty in the scene amongst the chaos that comes with the annual kite fighting tournament.           

 2.Identify four physical objects that are essential to the setting of the work and which represent one of the elements of setting listed below.  For each, explain what the object reveals about the specific element of setting and how the object helps to evoke a mood or atmosphere in the work.  Specific elements of the setting include:

A) the geographical location (its topography, scenery, and physical arrangements:
The novel is set in Kabul, the capital and largest city in Afghanistan. It is a hilly region with a large amount of infrastructure   

b) the occupations and daily manner of living of the characters
The main characters before the political uprising in Afghanistan spent their days reading on one of the many hillsides and galavanting throughout the many alleyways as well as spending time in their house and the local market. 

C)the time period in which the action takes place (epoch in history or season of the year) 
The novel takes place in 1973 onwards 

D)the general environment of the characters (social, religious, cultural, moral, and emotional conditions and attitudes).
There are moral and religious attitudes included in the setting. This included the churches and religious areas. The culture however is mixed. Due to the social separation between Hassan and Amir they have different education levels and emotional attitudes and values.

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